Atlantis. The End of a Continent
11,00 €
Atlantis, the land that once disappeared into the sea, rises and takes shape again. The people who dwelled there also become alive one more time. They were highly developed human beings, a chosen people, whose destiny is told in this account as accurately as possible. The description in these pages covers a period starting about fifty years before the country submerged beneath the sea.
This book was written because of the persistent requests of spirits who want the truth about what happened in the past to be revealed. They request insistently in order to redeem their own threads of guilt, and to help others in the upcoming suffering of humanity. Here on Earth, we are surrounded by a great invisible world, where forces and spirits who influence us for good or for evil operate. Each one of us is linked to this invisible world through thoughts and intuitive feelings…
ISBN 85-7279-035-7 • 176 Pages
Price: 11,00 Euro